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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Love and Appreciation for Nature

  • We firmly believe that proximity to nature inculcates compassion and sensitivity.

  • Our children are taken for nature walks everyday. Children learn to identify trees, plants etc.For e.g our 3yrs old know about neem tree, keekar tree, sun flower and asoka tree. They collect the leaves, feel the tree/plant, learn the colors and shapes, recite related rhymes , the uses of neem tree, collect twigs to be used as “datun” . They draw images on the earth. They grow saplings, water plants, etc. They feel the soil.
    Children who love nature can never be aggressive; that is our strong faith.

Our mission is to foster capable individuals who grow into leaders of tomorrow working for peace and true happiness.

1 comment:

play school said...

ho that fine post everyone have to read this