Play or Pre School caters to children in the age group 2years to 3 years. Preschool education is outside the purview of formal education system.
A baby is born with all its brain cells but it is during the early years that these cells connect to form functioning networks. These connections or synapses are in turn influenced by the stimulation received from the child’s environment. If the brain cells are used they connect; un stimulated they die. It has been determined by 30years of child development research that 50% of a child’s intellectual development is complete by age four. Moreover, the learning patterns that will characterize the adult a child will develop into are solidified by age nine. If the goal is to develop children who love learning, then early experiences are crucial to develop that love.
Two decades ago, the number of institutions offering pre school education was very few in India. These were mostly in the big cities addressing the need of the upper middle and high income group. As a result while these schools enjoyed a lot of monopoly and the curriculum was very conventional with focus on academic concepts rather than holistic development.
Last one and a half decade has seen a boom in this sector. With more pre schools coming up, there is definitely a wider choice available to the parents and there is a stronger competition. The curriculum has improved and overall development is greatly emphasized.
But the simple informal approach and loving environment of the play school set up is giving way to a more formal institution which is focused on fancy and flashy infrastructure. From a small cozy neighborhood venture the shift is towards running the schools on a corporate model with focus on sales, marketing and media presence. The brand war is killing the very intent of the play school.
Anubhav Learning Centre was set up in 2004 in the midst of the branded schools. We decided to maintain the simplicity of the school. Our infrastructure is cozy, comfortable, neat and above all child friendly. It is not a museum of toys and books but a functional facility. Our motto is learning with love.
Our very strong belief is that when the child experiences love, he/she learns faster and better. This has been medically proven too. WHERE LOVE IS DEEP MUCH CAN BE ACCOMPLISHED”. The love makes them believe they are capable. Powerful teaching includes passion, tenacity, respect, empathy, and understanding.
It is so aptly summed up by Brandi Snyder,
“To the world you may be just one person, but to one person you may be the world”.
Love, a simple four letter word can reduce, if not completely eliminate, aggression, intolerance and ego centric behavior.
Our biggest asset is our competent, trained and committed team. Being mothers themselves, they better understand the needs of children.
As a gardener our teachers nurture the little ones to grow into healthy individuals (in both body and mind) whose roots are firm and deep. The gardener raises each plant understanding its special characteristics and requirements. Like wise, we value each individual as he or she is and work with him or her accordingly.
While the sun like love of our staff is unconditional, the watering and manure is in tune with the child’s inherent personality. Do we ever say this particular plant is better than another?? Each one has a specific importance and function in the garden/forest.
Similar is the case with our children. Each child is different and has great inherent potential. The challenge for the true educator is to identify and tap the same. In short, we enable our children to connect with their true selves.
As we see them grow we do protect them from the negative influences around them and train them to become tough, strong and courageous to be able to with stand the rough weather and emerge victorious.